New Vibrating Wire Reader from NavStar
April 2, 2018

The NavStar VWL600 is a compact, ultra-low power, 8 channel vibrating wire reader for use with VW piezometers.

  • Wireless communication
  • Extremely low power consumption
  • Battery life in excess of five years
  • Small (6”/15cm cube) rugged enclosure
  • Simple setup and deployment
  • Zero configuration
  • Affordable, accurate and reliable
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NavStar Collaboration with Durham University

NavStar is assisting researchers from Durham University’s Geography Department to monitor coastal cliffs using the GeoExplorer integrated monitoring system. The system now forms an integral part of a project aimed at understanding the mechanisms involved in the erosion of cliffs and developing new ways to predict slope failures.

Natural Hazards Monitoring at Turtle Mountain

NavStar’s GNSS monitoring system has been in continuous use on Turtle Mountain, Alberta for over fifteen years. Despite the harsh conditions with temperatures regularly below -30°C, the system is capable of detecting millimetric levels of displacement in real-time.

GeoExplorer Installed for I-65 Bridge Project, Lafayette, Indiana

GeoExplorer's Prism Monitoring system has been successfully installed at the I-65 Bridge Project near Lafayette Indiana.