NavStar’s New Ultra Low-Power Monitoring Sensors
September 17, 2017

NavStar has a very active R & D program. We have over twelve years of experience in supplying and maintaining monitoring sensors to open pit mining operations worldwide and this gives us a thorough understanding of our customer’s requirements. We are continually making improvements to our existing products and we also develop new products to meet the specific demands of our customers.
NavStar has released a new range of sensors that provide major benefits when compared to the conventional monitoring hardware. The key features of these new devices include:
• Ultra-low power GPS/GNSS and VW sensors;
• In-built or standalone tilt meters;
• Rapid infield deployment;
• Flexible communications options;
• Proven reliability in extreme weather conditions;
• RTK or post-processed measurements;
• Sophisticated, purpose-built software;
• Integration with a wide variety of other sensor types.

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NavStar Collaboration with Durham University

NavStar is assisting researchers from Durham University’s Geography Department to monitor coastal cliffs using the GeoExplorer integrated monitoring system. The system now forms an integral part of a project aimed at understanding the mechanisms involved in the erosion of cliffs and developing new ways to predict slope failures.

GeoExplorer Advanced Reports Module

GeoExplorer's Advanced Reports Option allow you to present that information on customized templates that can easily be updated, reproduced and shared.

UK Office Now Open

NavStar is pleased to announce that we have opened an office in the United Kingdom.